Homeworld battlestar galactica mod
Homeworld battlestar galactica mod

Some shots from blender node window where you put your files etc. Using these shaders is very cpu/gpu intensive when you start rendering. Also lighting is very important when doing renders. Results may differ depending on your textures. Make Sure your material is assigned to right faces. You can use same uvmap for these because it's different material. Shader_Engine is for your thruster section which usually uses seperate texture. IF you have anything else there just make em small and hide em into corner(corners usually dont have anything in em). Make sure your badge uv map haves ONLY uv's for badge. You get 2 materials one is Shader_Ship and other one is Shader_Engine. They works best and you dont need to do file conversions. Make sure all your files are TGA/TARGA files. Or append those materials to your own blend file. You can either import your model to shader blend file. Thanks for any help here, and if I overlooked the info I need someplace else, please just point me in that direction. I'm using Windows 10 Home if that makes any difference.

homeworld battlestar galactica mod

The game loads but freezed upon mission loadup. Thing is following the same process as I did for the original games does not work in the remastered version. The main Homeworld2.big file in the remastered version does not contain ship info, so I followed the same process for the Homeworld2ship.big file and boom there it all was laid out just as it was for the original games. I have tried this according to the below reddit URL with no success. shp file then place the new folder within the Data directory. This was easily done in the original games by extracting the main BIG file, encrypting the info, and using Notepad to edit each. I cannot find a clear explanation anywhere else on how to change basic info on ships within the remastered games. (this post could have been a lot shorter if I had thought of that split-image thing at the beginning.) It will even create normal maps of complex shapes, if you can work out what to feed it: So it is better to give it something without shadows and shading: The more contrast, the thicker the normal map lines.

homeworld battlestar galactica mod

It takes the contrast in the image and uses it to work out what heights things should be at. To get a decent map, its best to understand how the filter works.

homeworld battlestar galactica mod

You can apply the normal map filter directly to the diffuse map, but the results are not quite what you want: Here is the diffuse of a basic panel, drawn by hand in GIMP: GIMP is free and so is the plugin, so good if you are on a budget. I'll start us off with the normalmap plugin for GIMP. What do you use for texturing, how do you go about it, what tricks save you time?

homeworld battlestar galactica mod

There have been a few discussions in different places on this topic, so I thought it was time for a dedicated thread.

Homeworld battlestar galactica mod